Case Study: Treaty Negotiations in South Australia

What: Brokering Solutions


In late 2017 the South Australian State Government embarked on a treaty negotiation process with several Aboriginal Groups in South Australia with the aim of developing agreements that would strengthen the relationship between these groups and the State Government.


Ian Dixon was engaged as the Independent Chair and Facilitator for two Treaty Negotiations to help facilitate the partners coming together to form an agreement. The partners involved in the negotiations were the Narungga Aboriginal Corporation Regional Authority and the Adnyamathanha Traditional Lands Association with the South Australian State Government.

The negotiations were conducted at the most senior level within the Aboriginal Communities and the South Australian Public Sector. Although conducted in an extremely tight timeframe the negotiations resulted in the Buthera Agreement between the Narungga Nation Aboriginal Corporation and the State of South Australia being completed. No further agreements were pursued as the incoming Liberal Government decided to pause the Treaty Negotiation process.

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